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4 Cybersecurity Trends to Watch in 2022

By: Ronda Payne

Published On: January 31, 2022

The world of technology changes rapidly and constantly. In cybersecurity, these kinds of changes and advancements can be a double-edged sword. While growing technology and the availability of cybersecurity courses, tools and skills helps organizations enhance security, cyber criminals also have access to advancing tools and information that makes them even more of a threat.  

 There are some trends organizations can watch for that may help them allocate their cybersecurity resources more effectively. Ultimately, however, anyone with digital assets that connect to the internet is at risk. Having an IT team member with security training such as CompTIA Security+ certification can help identify and prioritize the areas to start securing an organization.  

In 2022, there are a number of trends expected. Some aren’t new but are an increase or enhancement of activities of the past. Here are our top 4 cybersecurity trends for the year: 

Employees will become an increased part of the security solution rather than a hacker access point.

Many organizations are fully aware that employees can be one of the weakest points of access for cybercriminals, but they aren’t sure how to deal with it. Poor password hygiene, bad clicking etiquette, leaving secure data open and accessible – it all happens without any malicious intent, but it opens the door for cybersecurity attacks. While an employee with CompTIA A+ certification will know the things employees should and shouldn’t do, they are unable to prevent those actions and inactions without increased training for employees.  

2022 will therefore see a greater emphasis (and budgets) placed on training for employees about how their behaviours can leave the organization open to attack. There will be ramped up information about phishing, social media and other strategies used by hackers so that employees know what to do and how to be part of the solution.  

Ransomware on the rise.

By industry, the top three types of organizations hit by ransomware attacks in 2021 were government, education and healthcare. If your organization sector isn’t in those top three, it definitely doesn’t mean there weren’t attacks. No organization is immune. In the US alone, there were 146 very high-profile ransomware attacks in the first half of 2021. That means there were hundreds (possibly thousands) of cases that didn’t make the news. 

Tools are more sophisticated and increasingly automated, so even hackers who lack necessary skills will be able to cause problems. An IT team member with CySA+ certification is a good start to making sure opportunities for attack and ransomware are limited. 

Partnerships and integration face increasing analysis. 

It’s been said that a chain is only as secure as its weakest link and a supply chain or partnership is no different. As organizations increasingly look to automate and integrate platforms and partner tools, there will be a corresponding increase in reviewing the cybersecurity of those partners to ensure they aren’t the potential cause of a future attack. Someone with a CompTIA Network+ certification can help ensure networks and channels of communication are secure, but this will be assessed before implementation or agreement to the partnerships.  

Plus, a ransomware attack on one business will lead to extortion attempts on the partner businesses. Wherever there is access and data, there is risk for everyone involved. 

Growing regulations and increased budgets.

As governments and law enforcement gain more traction in cyberspace with regulations and security, organizations will also begin doing their part by providing the necessary budgets to do more work from within. The early days of cyber attacks are long gone. No longer is it a shocking surprise to hear about an attack on a competitor or partner organization. With security mandates in many regions and a need to prevent losses, organizations will reluctantly increase budgets for cybersecurity.

There is no crystal ball to determine how cybersecurity needs to evolve in 2022, but there are some trends that can help point to potential issues. Having trained professionals on your IT team will help manage existing and emerging cybersecurity risks.  


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