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By: Ronda Payne
Published On: February 4, 2020In Canada, a bookkeeper or accountant can set up their business and create a website outlining what they do without any accreditation or designations. There is no regulatory body that ensures bookkeepers are doing what they are expected to do for their clients or that employees are adequately trained in working as bookkeepers for companies. While no one needs to take a bookkeeping program or earn certifications to work in the field, many bookkeepers do for a variety of reasons:
As you consider the option of becoming an accredited bookkeeper or earning a designation in the field, it’s important to do the research to determine which accreditations will help you most and give you the best return for your money.
Some certifications, like those from QuickBooks or FreshBooks, are specific to the tools a bookkeeper uses. These bookkeeping accreditation programs aren’t about bookkeeping as much as they are about using QuickBooks or FreshBooks for the purpose of bookkeeping. Therefore, if you have clients who only use these tools or work for a business that wants you to know everything about the tools, these may be good options for certification.
There are other organizations that offer bookkeeping certification. These organizations include the Canadian Bookkeepers Association (CBA), the Institute of Professional Bookkeepers Canada (IPBC), the Canadian Institute of Bookkeeping (CIB) and others. They all promote the benefits of bookkeeping and help members learn new skills. These organizations offer bookkeeping programs that you can take either through a post-secondary institution or internally. They also have practical experiences for people who are in the field. You don’t have to take their courses or exams to be a member, but you might need to do this in order to get certified.
Accreditation allows a bookkeeper to use an organization’s designation, but these vary based upon the organization. CIB refers to those who have earned their designation as a Certified Bookkeeper. CBA uses the term Registered Professional Bookkeeper and IPB goes with Certified Professional Bookkeeper.
There are different ways to approach accreditation for bookkeepers and each approach will depend upon the organization you wish to obtain your designation through. While the majority of accrediting organizations do not require you to have taken a Canadian bookkeeping or accounting program, all of them do require you to take exams in order to earn your designation.
For example, with the Canadian Bookkeepers Association, in order to become a Registered Professional Bookkeeper, you must be a member in good standing with the organization at the intermediate or senior level. You will need to arrange a proctor (someone approved by CBA as able to oversee your writing of the exam) and establish the time for the exam. Once these arrangements are made, you will contact the CBA to apply for the exam, make payment and ensure the proctor will receive your exam materials prior to the date of the exam writing.
For those who are new to the profession, taking a bookkeeping or accounting program is often the first step. Many post-secondary institutions offer a certificate in bookkeeping program. Depending upon the school, accounting courses can be quite flexible for those who are currently working and would like a part-time course as well as online options. There are also plenty of full-time bookkeeping programs for those who want to do their program that way and there are additional continuing education options.
There are many benefits to becoming an accredited bookkeeper in Canada. You can be an employee of an organization or run your own bookkeeping business with clients. You will need to find the best certification and accreditation options for you and look at how the process works. Many organizations offer alternative methods to earning their designation, such as the CBA’s accreditation through post-secondary school programs.
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Thank you for this informative write up.
Please what bookkeeping course or certification in Canada can you recomend for an intending immigrant?
Can I register if I am resident outside Canada.
Thank you.
Interested in doing Bookkeeping course.
Can this particular course be done on distance learning in terms of studying from home?
How is the assessment done, online?
Good eveining,
Please i will love to get more update and the possibe way of running the course onine.
Thank you
Hi Ambrose,
Please learn more details about the Certificate of Bookkeeping program here: https://india.ashtoncollege.ca/programs/bookkeeping-certificate/
If you have any further questions please submit your enquiry on the Contact Us page: https://india.ashtoncollege.ca/contact/, and our admissions team will be in touch with you shortly.