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Get Ready for Your Exam: RCIC IRB Specialization Exam

Published On: April 15, 2024

As of July 1, 2023, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has implemented the RCIC-IRB Specialization Exam. With the IRB being a restricted area of practice, only Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) with a registered RCIC-IRB licence may be authorized to practice before the IRB.

Start preparing for your RCIC-IRB Specialization Exam by equipping yourself with the needed material and guidance to succeed.

The Class L3: RCIC-IRB Licence

Holders of a Class L3: RCIC-IRB License can proceed with unrestricted practice, including in front of the IRB. RCICs must go through the specialization program that ensures RCICs can practice before the IRB safely and ethically with the required knowledge, skills, and judgement learned in the program.

To obtain the Class L3 RCIC-IRB licence, the licensee must either be:

  • A graduate of an accredited immigration practitioner program who has completed the new licensee mentoring program and passed the specialization exam; or
  • A graduate of a graduate diploma program who has completed the new licensee mentoring program within 12 months of licencing.

The RCIC-IRB Specialization Program

The RCIC-IRB Specialization Program ensures that RCICs have the knowledge on essential competencies for RCIC practice to be licensed in the class L3 RCIC-IRB licence. This program requires RCICs have the sufficient skills and judgement to practise before the IRB safely and ethically, as required of the licence. RCICs interested in obtaining this class of licence will have needed to complete either a graduate diploma program or complete the Education Pathway and pass the Specialization Exam.

RCIC-IRB Specialization Exam

RCICs who have not completed a graduate diploma must complete the specialization exam to be licensed. The Specialization Exam tests RCIC candidates on their competence to represent clients before the IRB through sufficient knowledge, skills and judgement.

The Specialization Exam is offered electronically online and consists of 190 questions to be completed within a 4-hour time limit. Candidates have a maximum of 4 attempts, in which after that point, they will need to meet further requirements to retake the exam. This exam scores based on the best answer, with no pass or fail quota. All test items undergo an item analysis to ensure that the RCICs final score is fair and reliable.

This exam tests RCIC on several essential competencies from knowledge-based to competency-based education and assessments such as:

  • Foundational Knowledge
  • Case Management
  • Communication, Counseling and Advocacy
  • Business Management & Leadership

RCICs should be able to consult on matters related to each of the exam’s competencies.

How Ashton College can help with Your Exam Preparation

Start your examination preparation with Ashton College’s RCIC-IRB Specialization Exam Prep Course. In this 32-hour intensive course on the Specialization Exam, set up for success by familiarizing yourself with the exam format, assessment criteria, and topics such as Case Management and Communication.

This course introduces the code of professional conduct and interpretation guide as an integral part of the exam journey. Dive into an overview of IRB history and structure as you complete learning objectives through reviewing the material such as:

  • Canadian Immigration Policies
  • Administrative Law and Advocacy
  • Ethics and Professional Responsibility
  • IRB and Administrative Tribunals

Get equipped with the proper skills needed to excel without external aid. This prep course encourages independent thinking through an absence of reference materials, and instead embraces analytical and problem-solving skills that you would retain and apply in practice. In an engaged learning approach, participate in interactive discussions, simulated exam exercises, and collaborative learning.

For more information on the RCIC-IRB Specialization Exam Prep Course, click here.

If you would like information regarding the RCIC-IRB Specialization Exam, click here.


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