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Immigrants Continue to Choose Canada

Published On: July 30, 2020

Canada continues to be a top choice for many people looking to immigrate to North America. There are a number of reasons why the country is a popular place to settle and these reasons fall into two areas: the Canadian government is encouraging more immigrants to come and settle here and Canada is a wonderful place for immigrants to live. 

Canada invites immigrants

In 2019, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Marco Mendicino published the ministry’s plan for 2020 and 2021. Within this plan, Canada’s need for immigrants was outlined. At the top of the list is the acknowledgement that many areas in the country do not have the labour force needed to grow, thrive and contribute to local and national economies. 

Specific labour needs are common to many regions across the country, making job opportunities in fields like health care attractive to those who want to immigrate and possess the knowledge and skills needed in Canada. Plus, because many regions are looking for skilled labour in specific fields, those who fit an in-demand occupation need can often choose the area of the country they want to settle in. 

Numbers of permanent resident admissions to Canada have climbed steadily from 2017 to 2019. The target for permanent resident admissions in 2020 is 341,000 (which is likely to fall short due to COIVD-19), in 2021 it is 351,000 and in 2022 it is 361,000. The majority of the planned immigrants who will contribute to meeting these targets will come through the Economic Class programs, which are labour-specific.

What makes Canada a desirable option for settlement

Immigrants understand that Canada is a great choice for their new home because of factors that will make their life easier and better after the immigration process is complete. While the government of Canada is making the process quicker, and in some cases easier, for candidates the country needs, immigrants need to know they will be able to adapt to their new country and find their way quickly. 

Here are 6 reasons Canada continues to be a popular place to settle:

  1. There are many cities to choose from that have strong immigrant populations. On a per capita basis, Charlottetown, PEI; Regina, Saskatchewan; and Toronto, Ontario have the highest percentages of newcomers to the country. On a population basis, Toronto, Ontario; Vancouver, BC; and Montreal, Quebec have the highest number of immigrants. This means immigrants who choose these cities are more likely to find others who have also gone through the immigration journey and will be able to tap into a support network to make the transition easier.  
  1. Canada is a very inclusive and accepting country as a whole. Beyond the general acceptance of immigrants within the country, there are other ways Canada is an inclusive country. For example. In 2005, Canada became the fourth nation globally to legalize same-sex marriage. Many same-sex couples moved to Canada as a result of this stand. No country is perfect, but Canada is regularly working to recognize and improve the rights of all people who live in the country. 
  1. Anyone watching the news is well aware that Canada offers universal healthcare to residents. Each of the 10 provinces and 3 territories offers a healthcare plan that ensures Canadian residents have access to basic medical services. Not only does this ensure equal access to health care for all residents regardless of income or socio-economic status, but it has also ensured that the country has a life expectancy of well over 80 years old. This puts Canada among the top 20 countries for life expectancy. 
  1. The economy is growing with a rapidly expanding tech industry leading the way. Canada’s economy has long been seen as one of the strongest in the world, especially when considering the size of the country’s population. The Canadian economy has been ranked in the top 10 in the world a number of years with a reliance on natural resources, hospitality and other service-based industries. The tech sector is also making headway in the economy as “incubator” programs specific to the tech industry provide resources for new opportunities that not only put Canada on the map, but also solve some of the world’s problems in new and novel ways. 
  1. What you’ve seen on TV is true. Canada is a stunning, beautiful country with everything from ocean coast lines to mountains, lakes to vast fields of food productions. As the second largest country in the world with an area of close to 10 million kilometers square, it’s no doubt that the country offers up a diverse realm of views and experiences. Being a domestic tourist and exploring the country could take years without even a hint at boredom! City to country, coastline to mountain range, Canada offers it all. 
  1. Education is second-to-none. Canada’s education system is ranked third in the world based on a 2020 study conducted by US News and World report. This ranking is due to a strong public school system established throughout the country, a well-educated population, highly-ranked universities and other post-secondary schools and a welcoming attitude to all students including Canadian residents and international students. 

The country’s public school system is free and there are also private school options for students in kindergarten (started at age 5 or 6) up to grade 12 (concluding at age 17 or 18).

Canada is still among one of the top choices for immigration. While the national government is continuing to make it easier for skilled labour to come to Canada, there are a range of factors that make the country a desirable place to live. Those who have the right skills can often choose the region in Canada where they want to live and with such an expansive land-base, there are plenty of places to pick. 


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