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By: Marla Ovenden-Cooper
Published On: September 17, 2021Digital transformation is a phrase that seems to be coming up in almost all business discussions, especially since the pandemic. However, digital transformation is more than just making changes to allow work from home or delivery of services during a lockdown. It is the integration of digital technology and solutions into EVERY aspect of your business. Successful companies do not view Digital Transformation as a project, rather it is a mindset, a company culture. It involves moving your company to a more agile way of thinking and becoming comfortable with experimentation. The result is that your company effectively changes the ways in which you deliver services or products to your clients, and affects your daily operations in a way that impacts almost every department.
Sounds like a lot of work, it is. Work that requires review of processes, procedures and new digital offerings on a regular basis. However, digital transformation allows businesses of all sizes to grow and stay competitive. Business has changed and will continue to do so and companies that seek and strive to keep up will get ahead. Digital transformation looks different for every industry and for every company. One may wonder, how to go about digital transformation and then manage transformation on a regular basis. Luckily, there have been some great frameworks and training courses that can help your company to move through the process as seamlessly as possible. Since every department is affected during the process of digital transformation, courses for non-technical roles are important so that the entire team is part of the process.
Courses such as the Certified Digital Transformation Specialist course, provides professionals with an introduction to digital transformation that is easy for non-IT professionals to understand. It includes the benefits, risks and challenges of Digital Transformation, as well as its business and technology drivers. It prepares professionals to contribute to digital transformation by increasing their knowledge of automation environments, through exploring the key contemporary technologies used to build Digital Transformation automation solutions. Key technologies such as AI, RPA, IoT, machine learning, blockchain, cloud computing and big data are introduced. The course prepares individuals to be active in the digital transformation process by providing a comprehensive, step-by-step description of a business process as carried out by a customer-centric Digital Transformation solution.
One of the most important concerns of many CEO’s and CISO’s is ensuring that information is safe and secure when implementing digital transformation. Since there are usually many different technologies involved in digital transformation, having knowledge of cybersecurity as it relates to all of these is key. Training your team on best practices regarding IT security should be done as soon as the concept of digital transformation is adopted by the company or organization. Because companies rely on IT information security specialists to be available at any given time, taking time out for training can be a challenge, self-paced IT courses like Arcitura’s Digital Transformation Security Professional are the perfect fit. This course covers implementing digital transformation and addressing cybersecurity concerns during development and implementation. The course provides a comparison of standard IT security with cybersecurity and further explores how cybersecurity can be applied to a range of contemporary technologies. Common roles, drivers, benefits and challenges are also covered. The course also includes a 12-month subscription to digital course materials including:
Once the course is completed, learners take the Digital Transformation Specialist Certification Exam (DT90.SEC), through Pearson Vue’s convenient online proctored examination process. Having your employees complete and pass the Digital Transformation Specialist Certification Exam (DT90.SEC) will provide you the confidence that they are proficient in the best practices for digital transformation as they relate to cybersecurity, allowing them to support your company’s digital transformation while protecting the organization.
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