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By: Lindsay McKay
Published On: March 28, 2022Continuing education courses are a great way to learn something new for personal interest, add to your resume, or take the first step towards a career change. Online courses have been around for many years, and the past two years have seen a dramatic increase in schools moving to an online model. For some, the transition has been seamless, while for others it took a little more time to figure out. Ashton College has successfully been providing online courses for the past decade and we are continually adding new online continuing education courses to our offerings.
Programming can be both a career and a fun hobby. To get started, the Python Fundamentals course will provide you with a strong foundation that you can continue building with many beginner and intermediate python projects. When you are ready to take it to the next level and earn a Python Certification, the Python Advanced course, taught by professionals in the field will be ready for you, will be the perfect next step.
A topic that is beneficial for everyone to learn about is the cloud. Whether we know it or not, we all have data stored on a cloud and it would be smart to understand how that data is stored and how to best protect that data. If you have an interest in embarking on a career where you manage a cloud system, we have two vendor-specific cloud computing courses. The Microsoft Azure certification course is great for those taking the path towards the Microsoft certifications Azure Administrator Associate and Azure Security Engineer Associate.
Robotics is the synthesis of engineering and science dedicated to the research, development, and operation of robots. The Introduction to Robotics course will introduce you to the concepts of robot flight and movement, how robots perceive their environment, and how they adjust their movements in order to avoid obstacles and navigate difficult terrain. If you like working with your hands, taking things about and trying to rebuild, learning more about robotics can be quite a fun hobby to keep your brain hands mobile. While there are no prerequisites for the course, having knowledge of computer programming – see Python courses – and a basic understanding of electronics would make the course more enjoyable.
Now to move on to a less technical, technology course, the Digital Storytelling course. This course focuses on interactive storytelling in platforms such as video games, virtual reality and the internet or mobile apps by exploring how storytelling allows us to make connections. Leave this course with the understanding of developing a visual storyboard; principles and concepts of framing, sound, composition, visual storytelling, digital storytelling, and culture; developing linear and nonlinear digital stories; and much more.
So, why participate in upgrading or continuing education courses? There are many reasons including:
It is never too late to learn something new! Interested in something more robust? Check out our comprehensive and career-focused career programs including the Certificate in Accounting and Certificate in UX Design.
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